Our Critters
Kick-it (the llama) joined our family in 2014. He is usually the first animal you meet. His job on the farm is livestock welfare and he takes it very seriously. If the sheep are out grazing or if a new baby is in the pasture he keeps an eye on the littles and makes sure everyone is safe.
Oreo is an American Paint Horse and he joined our family in 2018. He enjoys dirt baths and all kids of “cowboy” mischief.
Ethel was born here at the farm in 2014. Her genetics make her have high milk qualities. She is hand milked and will usually give ~ 1 gallon of milk per day.
Sun was born in February 2022 and is still enjoying adolescent life. Once she grows out she will be adding milk to our supply.
There are currently 18 hens at the farm producing fresh eggs daily. We have Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, Orpington, Ameraucana and a few more breeds that add color and diversity to the flock.
We have 10 and counting Dexter cattle. Why this breed? They are a hardy breed and are good browsers. Farmers have used them to rid pastures of pest plants over the years. They were specialized to live on low-quality vegetation and to forage for their food. They are efficient, versatile, intelligent, and full of personality. Many of our mini cows are kept for pets on small acreage and hobby farms. We offer both A1 (beef) and A2 (dairy) genetics. They are also smaller, gentler, and easier on your pastures and fences.
Arriving Spring 2023
Returning back this spring Katahdin sheep.
New to the farm this year is Red Wattle Pig.